Study programmes offer

Our department provides teaching of several study programmes. For more details, see below. Just choose...

Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Bc.)

Let's learn something about electric power engineering and production, transmission and use of electric power!

Electrical Power Engineering (MS)

Learn how to professionally design, operate and manage energy equipment.


Power Systems and Communication Technology (MS)

To transmit electricity means to transmit data as well.

Power Systems and Power Electronics (Ph.D.)

Become an expert in power system technologies!

Additional information

Information about Open Days, applications, entrance exams etc. can be found on the faculty website. Information about combined study can be also found there.

FAculty website

Did you know ...

the subject Design of Power and Data Networks will teach you to program intelligent networks?
students can access a well-equipped workshop when working on their final thesis?
our department has access to the highest point of the T12 building?
part of our department is a roof with a structure allowing safe and comfortable movement?
Department of Power Engineering operates a unique flow battery?
as part of their study, students work in our state-of-the-art laboratories?