Vision mobility challenges programme

Technical challenges and visions for future mobility 2023

Czech version

Technical challenges and visions for future mobility - programme


Current summer semester 2023/24 programme

Summer semester 2023/2024

Dear all interested in electromobility and related areas,  

thank you for your participation in the lectures or electric car day this school year. We plan to continue the "Vision of Mobility" event next year...  


Previous lectures - Summer semester 2023/2024

Electromobile Afternoon - 14.5. 2024 14:00

Electromobility in practice - test drives, presentations of electric cars

Where: BUT FEEC, Technická 12
49.2274414N, 16.5747158E


14:00-14:15Opening of the event   
14:30 – 17:30Test drives in electric cars (registration form:


Škoda Enyaq

Alfa Profi


Small / large circle

Small / large circle

Off-road circuit

14:30 – 17:30Dynamic demonstrations      
 Student formule- rides on the parking lot
 Alfa profi– electric utility vehicle 4x4
 SAKO Brno– waste collection vehicle
 Teplarny Brno- dynamic demonstration of charging infrastructure 
 Valeo– sensors for autonomous driving 
 pedal power plant– test how much electricity you can generate
14:30 – 17:30Excursions to laboratories focusing on electromobility and related areas
 Power grid components (UEEN)Electric motors and inverters (UVEE)
 Photovoltaic polygon (UETE)Accumulators and batteries (UETE)
 Tour duration 30 minutes - starting in the atrium of the main building Technical 12: 14:30, 15:30, 16:30 a 17:30 
18:00 - 19:00Screening of the movie Biomasakr in Czech language
19:00 - 20:00Discussion panel with the actors of the film Boimasakr and other interesting guests on electromobility
20:30  End of the event
14:00 - 18:00Static demonstrations and company presentations
 presention company Tesla
 presention company Škoda Auto
E-turbos and motors for traction from Garrett Motion  
 Mini EL electric car from the 1980s (3-wheeler)
 Volvo truck - see dynamic examples: waste collection vehicle  
 Auto na půl (Car in half)  - carsharing
 SolSol - demonstration of PV installation
 EVSELECT - information for charging station
 Racing Special Škoda Citygo - from Teslič
 rarities: electric motorcycle e-Pioneer and electric Trabant
 demonstration of drones and their charging - BUT in Brno 
 Energy Power Solutions - Integration of renewable and decentral sources and battery storage - as a sponsor supported healthy eating
RefreshmentsVeroni Coffe & Chochocolate, Božský Kopeček - ice cream, Bufet at FEEC (Technická 12) and Rebio - organic vegetarian regional delicacies


 Are you interested in our programme? If so. Therefore we would like to ask you to fill out a short form:, it won't take more than a minute. We would like to find out the preliminary interest for the selected attractions and propose their capacity accordingly.      

Arriving by car? Map   

Parking for public: 49.2276553N, 16.5728950E;;

Parking for public with electric cars: GPS 49.2277297N, 16.5752472E;


7th meeting: 23rd April 2024

The potential of electromobility for flexibility management in the energy sector using artificial intelligence

Ing. Marek Miltner and Ing. Ondřej Štogl
Department of Economics, Management and Humanities, FEE, CTU

Lecture outline

Globally, the energy and transport sectors are undergoing a transformation. Electricity consumption is predicted to increase steadily and electric vehicles will also make a major contribution. Renewable energy sources are taking an increasing share of the gradually decarbonized energy mix, but their supply to the grid is variable over time. How can the growing demand for charging be effectively calmed and the synergy of the whole system ensured? In the first part of the talk, we will focus on the importance of flexibility in the electricity system and the role that electromobility can play through Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) technology, enabling vehicles to support the electricity grid. In the second part, we will show a case study of the use of machine learning methods for modelling EV charging infrastructure utilization and how these models affect the planning and management of flexibility in the grid.

Date: 23.4.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Marek Miltner (rozený Szeles) 

graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague with a bachelor's degree and an engineering degree in Software Engineering, and through the prestigious interdisciplinary program minor focused on artificial intelligence. He also graduated from the University of Cambridge in the UK, where he received an MPhil in Technology Policy. His major research achievements include leading the development of the country's first fully autonomous racing vehicle in collaboration with Toyota Research Institute, Škoda Auto and Porsche Engineering. His current research focuses on the use of machine learning and other artificial intelligence techniques to optimise energy systems to reduce their carbon footprint, and he is a PhD candidate at CTU and Stanford University in the USA. Prior to returning to academia, he also worked in practical applications of technology, holding senior positions at Uizard, Whadoo and Vizgard, and as a technical consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. 

Ondřej Štogl 

graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague with a specialization in power engineering. Subsequently, he joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the same university, where he is studying the issue of combining the emergence of electromobility with the ongoing transformation of the energy sector from a technical and economic perspective as part of his doctoral studies. While academically Ondřej is focused on large-scale energy systems, his participation in the PhD programme at Škoda Auto adds the aspect of electric vehicles and customer satisfaction to the equation. In the commercial sector, he has several years of experience implementing charging stations and related infrastructure for residential and office buildings. He has been involved in an international European Union project facilitating the certification of sustainable activities for SMEs, and was also a senior leader in the Formula Student electric car series team for several years during his studies.


6th meeting: 16th April 2024

Towards autonomy: Deploying and testing autonomous driving in real operations

Ing. Michal Sklenář
Transport Research Centre

Lecture outline

Vehicles with SAE Level 4 or 5 autonomous driving capability, in terms of technical level, could already be capable of moving in real traffic in many cases. However, there is a long way to go before this operation can be realized, which is often slowed down, in particular by inconsistent legislative provisions between countries, which creates a problem for developers of autonomous vehicles. The lecture will thus focus on the current direction of autonomous mobility in the Czech Republic in comparison with abroad. At the same time, the current legislative regulations for the operation of autonomous vehicles will be presented, including the needs for their testing at different stages of development. Finally, several successful examples of implementation from real operation will be presented, as well as several successful Autonomous Driving Area projects from Transport Research Centre that are related to this topic.

Date: 16.4.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Michal Sklenář graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Brno University of Technology and chose the Institute of Forensic Engineering at the Brno University of Technology for his Master's degree. In this follow-up study he chose a field of study focused on transport, after completing which his steps were directed to Transport Research Centre, where for the second year he has been working on the topic of autonomous driving. In addition to his research work on domestic and European projects, he has completed hundreds of hours as a remote supervisor/driver of an autonomous minibus or safety supervisor/driver of an autonomous minibus. Other notable research experiences include research on non-driving activities in autonomous truck mode or the possibility of controlling a vehicle using a robotic glove in VR.


5th meeting: 9th April 2024

Utilizing waste heat from mobility?

Dr. Ing. František Simančík
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Materials and Mechanics of Machines

Lecture outline

Vehicles in Slovakia need an average of 30 TWh of energy from petroleum products per year. At 30% efficiency of internal combustion engines, approximately 20 TWh of heat is wasted in engine cooling. Heating all Slovak households also requires about 20 TWh of heat, a quarter of which is produced by burning solid fuels, the rest by burning natural gas. If all the heat generated in combustion engines were captured and used for heating, it would theoretically be possible to remove all emissions from domestic heating. Technically, this is an inexpensive solution that can radically reduce the negative environmental impact of heating without any loss of the comfort of civilization achieved, while at the same time substantially reducing energy costs and dependence on fossil fuel suppliers. The presentation will provide some inspiration on how this could be done. A vision of what an environmentally friendly car of the future could look like will also be outlined.

Date: 9.4.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Dr. Ing. František Simančík is an expert in non-ferrous metals, composites and technologies of their production and processing. He has coordinated more than 30 research projects, including 13 international projects and successfully educated 9 PhD students. The results of his work have led to several world original technological innovations, for which more than 50 foreign patents have been granted. He has received several awards, including the prestigious Crystal Wing in the category of medicine and science in 2011, the Technologist of the Year Award 1998, and the Personality of Science and Technology Award 2011. Currently, he is dedicated to the application of new materials in solving civilization problems related to the energy needs of mankind. He is a member of the Presidium of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and head of the Application Centre for Light Metals and Composites of the Institute of Materials and Mechanics of Machines of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.


4th meeting: 2nd April 2024

Critical minerals related to energy and electromobility

RNDr. Jaroslav Reif, Ph.D.
Ministry of Industry and Trade

Lecture outline

The further development of electromobility is directly linked to the opportunities for mining and mineral processing, this lecture will focus on critical minerals for these areas. The lecture will touch on the issues of mining both globally and under the sea, but also the mineral resources still available in the EU. The main part of the lecture will focus on the Critical Raw Materials Act. The CRM Act deals with elements and minerals essential for the European economy, the current version was proposed at the EU level in 2023 and the approval of the CRM is still ongoing.

Date: 2.4.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

RNDr. Jaroslav Reif, Ph.D. works at the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic as the head of Mineral Policy Department.


3rd meeting: 19th March 2024

Škoda Auto – systems and functions of charging

Ing. Karel Matouš, Ph.D. and Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D.

Lecture outline

Charging an electric vehicle is a complex issue that affects the customer value of the electric vehicle. That is why Škoda Auto a.s. focuses on charging systems as one of the key topics. Their focus is not only on the charging process itself, but also on user safety, efficiency, user-friendliness and ease of use. They also implement advanced charging features that, for example, make it easier for the customer to pay for charging. In addition, they take into account the specific requirements of all the markets to which they supply vehicles, as well as the conditions of future markets under consideration. The development of charging systems is an interesting issue, which Karel Matouš and Lukáš Dvořáček will try to present in more detail in this lecture.

Date: 19.3.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Ing. Karel Matouš, Ph.D. and Ing. Lukáš Dvořáček, Ph.D. work for Škoda Auto a.s. in the section Development of high-voltage charging systems. 


2nd meeting: 5th March 2024

Electrification in the field of work machine drives

Ing. Petr Procházka, Ph.D.
Department of Power Engineering and Electronic engineering, FEEC, Brno University of Technology

Lecture outline

The lecture will focus on issues arising from the growing social pressure on the ecology of working machines. In order to improve their competitive position, individual manufacturers are driven to use innovative technologies, which is reflected in the market by the introduction of machines with a lower ecological footprint. These machines simultaneously improve the quality of the working and environmental environment and reduce the costs associated with their operation. In most cases, these innovations are associated with a higher degree of electrification of working machines, which are designed not only for work in confined and enclosed spaces inside buildings or in public spaces in densely populated conurbations.

Date: 5.3.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Petr Procházka 

graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies at the Brno University of Technology, majoring in Power Electrical and Electronic engineering, where he now works professionally. His professional specialization includes: electro-hydraulic drives of working machines, analysis of dynamic and static properties of power switching transistors; modelling of power transistors, application of SiC semiconductors in power pulse converters, design and analysis of power converters (DC/DC pulse sources, DC/AC converters).


1st meeting: 20th February 2024

Quo Vadis mobility? Or a youtuber's perspective on the reality of the Czech Republic, Europe and the world

Martin Petráš

Discussion outline

This first meeting of the summer semester will not be a traditional lecture, as is expected in this lecture series, but rather a moderated discussion.

Martin Petráš will bring fresh news directly from China, where he has personally travelled to see how mobility is developing there in general. He himself has been actively involved in popularizing electromobility for several years and his most famous project is certainly the YouTube channel Nejrychlejší Tesla, where he shares over 400 videos mostly on the topic of transport, motoring, but also reviews of electric scooters, discussions about batteries, firefighting of electric cars, etc. He is involved in brokering the import of verified electric cars for Czech buyers and has extensive experience with fleets across Europe.

At this meeting we can talk about anything from the practice of electric cars, from the market situation in the country and in the world, through the sale of vehicles in bazaars and directly from the owners, or experience with individual car models and sharing the experience of people who may be in business in the field. For inspiration for questions, you can also take a look at the work of Martin Petras Nejrychlejší Tesla and prepare questions about what you are interested in and what you would like to hear directly to him.

Date: 20.2.2024, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Martin Petráš 

is an electric car enthusiast and YouTuber. He has over 400k miles on his EVs and there aren't many EVs that he haven't driven. His YouTube channel has a little over 10k subscribers and in December 2023 his videos were viewed by over 406k viewers. He visited China in early 2024 to see and document firsthand how much of a problem Europe and its auto industry has in this area. His other activities include advising clients and providing practical help with EV purchases both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Through his work he wants to help to ensure that as Europe we are competitive in the future.

Winter semester 2023/2024

13th meeting - 19th December 2023

Laboratories BUT FEEC* and their equipment with technologies for mobility of the present and future

Collective of guides

*BUT FEEC – Brno University of Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication

Outline of the excursion

At a minimum, the plan is to include the following labs: the Solar and Electric Vehicle Lab at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology, the Power Electronics Lab, the Machinery and Drives Lab, the Power Generation Lab, the Power Distribution Lab, the Unconventional Energy Lab, the Solar Lab at the Department of Energy, and if there is time and interest, we may also take a look at the Lighting Technology Lab, our black pearl and a demonstration of how we contribute to the "automotive lighting" industry.

There will really be something to look at and the guides have promised to give us a demonstration. The excursion is a taster of what students and researchers can do while studying and working here, and if we like the content of the excursion, we may plan targeted excursions with broader content to specific labs next semester.

Date: 19.12.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno 


12th lecture - 12th December 2023

V2G - Bidirectional charging in Netherlands

Robin Berg
We Drive Solar

Outline of the lecture

We Drive Solar is building the energy system of the future with solar, electric (shared) cars and bidirectional charging stations. Together with car manufacturers, we are making Utrecht the first bidirectional city in the world. This allows us to use car batteries as storage for a 100% sustainable energy system. After unique pilots with Renault and Hyundai, We Drive Solar aims to scale up in 2024 with hundreds of shared bidirectional cars. Robin Berg will present his vision and how the near future of bidirectional charging looks like in the Netherlands and beyond.

Date: 12.12.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 1.141, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Robin Berg is one of We Drive Solar's key leaders.


11th lecture - 5th December 2023

Future perspectives on mobility, V2L, V2H, V2G, V2V concepts and the use of mobility for other applications

Assoc. prof. Ing. Petr Baxant, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, FEEC, Brno University of Technology

Outline of the lecture

We associate mobility almost exclusively with the transport of people or freight. Just as the telephone was once used only for making calls and no one expected it to perform any other function, so the vehicle today faces a similar social issue. Will the vehicle be just a vehicle as we know it today? Or will it bring entirely new features that we do not even know about yet? In the near-term development are the concepts of connecting vehicles to the power grid or load, the ability to back up not only small appliances but even entire homes. With a suitable communication topology, it is possible to group multiple vehicles into virtual units and, thanks to the considerable storage capacity of the batteries, provide their energy to power even remote objects via the power grid, or to use high dynamic control to stabilize the grid parameters. When will it be possible to draw energy freely between vehicles? And does this even make sense? This is what we would like to discuss in the next part of the Future Mobility Colloquium.

Date: 5.12.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Petr Baxant works at the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and lectures on Power Systems, where he focuses on alternative energy topics. His primary area of expertise is lighting technology, where he leads the research and development group for luminance analyzers and teaches courses on lighting topics. He has been working on electromobility with his students in the context of his bachelor and master theses for several years. From purely theoretical works dealing with the cooperation between electric vehicles and renewable energy sources to a practical project on the revival of a solar-charged vehicle. As one of the few promoters of electromobility, he has been driving the electric car himself for several years and collecting experiences from other users and companies. He has also participated in several experiments that test the electric vehicle in practice, especially in terms of consumption, efficiency and charging speed, but also with other alternative experiments. In his personal life, he is trying natural gardening, permaculture and living in a straw house as possible alternatives for sustainable technologies.


10th lecture - 28th November 2023

Automotive technologies of alternative propulsion and automated driving

Associate Professor Dr. Mario Hirz 
Department of Automotive Mechatronics, Institute of Automotive Engineering, Graz University of Technology

Outline of the lecture

In this colloquium, two of the main drivers of the transition in automotive industry will be discussed: At first, the legislative boundary conditions pushing the conversion of propulsion technologies towards electrification will be introduced and technological aspects of electric power train systems will be discussed. This includes battery systems, electric motors as well as architectures of electric cars. In the second part, technological background of advanced driver assistance systems will be introduced as well as the status of technology on the way to autonomous driving. In addition, several challenges of implementing self-driving cars in general traffic will be discussed by use of selected examples in Europe and the United States.

Date: 28.11.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Prof. Mario Hirz has been awarded an M.S. degree in mechanical engineering and economics, a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering, and a venia docendi in the area of virtual product development. He is Associate Professor at the Graz University of Technology and a frequent guest lecturer at universities and in the automotive industry throughout Europe, North America, and Asia. Prof. Hirz is Vice-Head of the Institute of Automotive Engineering at Graz University of Technology and Head of the research area for Automotive Mechatronics. His research topics comprise vehicle layout and conception, alternative powertrains, sustainable transportation, mechatronics systems, and computational development. Prof. Hirz is a member of scientific associations, a reviewer of journal and conference publications and a co-organizer of conferences. He has published more than 100 works and has received several national and international awards.


Outside the colloquium programme, but on the topic of electromobility: 22.11.2023 was webinar of the European project ALBATTS (The Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills). PDF documents can be found in the Presentations section.


9th lecture - 21st November 2023

Current trends and visions for the electrification of air transport

Assoc. prof. Ing. Jan Bárta, Ph.D.
Department of Power Engineering and Electronic engineering, FEEC, Brno University of Technology

Outline of the lecture

You may have wondered why we have electric cars and trains but only a few electric planes? The main reason is that it is much easier to radically modify a car or a train, even if they look very similar on the outside as traditional fossil fuel vehicles. It is important to remember that planes travel much further than ground vehicles, which means that flight requires much more energy than the average road trip.

The lecture will focus on current trends and visions for the future of air transport electrification and will introduce the audience to concepts such as More Electric Aircraft and Urban Air Mobility. Another goal of the lecture is to thoroughly introduction to modern electric machines used in conventional and more electric aircraft, discussing technological trends, key technologies enabling the use of high-power density machines and visions for of future developments. At the end of the lecture, a case study will provide a comprehensive overview of the design aspects and optimization of electrical machines for aerospace applications.

Date: 21.11.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jan Bárta

He received his Ph.D. in Power Electrical and Electronic engineering at Brno University of Technology in 2018. Since 2023, he has been an associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies in Brno, where he is responsible for key courses in the field of electrical machines and leads research projects focused on advanced electrical machines. During his career, he has gained extensive experience in research and development of electrical machines and has worked at a number of prestigious institutions abroad, including LUT University, SpinDrive Oy, Linz Center of Mechatronics and Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. His current research interests include advanced methods for computation and modeling of electrical machines, topological optimization, high-speed electrical machines and synchronous machines for direct starting from the grid.


8th lecture - 14th November 2023

Electric vehicle development from a product safety perspective

Ing. Marek Papoušek

Outline of the lecture

The safety of electric vehicles is one of the most important issues today for their successful adaptation. In this lecture, we will take a closer look at how electronic components are developed and manufactured in the automotive industry in terms of functional safety. What are the specific requirements and challenges in the context of electromobility. We will list the measures implemented at car and component level to avoid potential hazards in terms of functional failure that can lead to personal injury or property damage. We will also touch marginally on the requirements for autonomous vehicles and their systems.

Date: 14.11.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Ing. Marek Papoušek works as head of product and cyber security for lighting and electronics at Hella (Forvia) Česká Republika.


7th lecture - 7th November 2023

Secondary market & traction battery degradation

Ing. Jan Dedek, Ph.D.
Group EV Technology Expert AURES Holdings

Outline of the lecture

The lecture will focus on traction batteries, from the growth of the primary and secondary market for traction batteries in the Czech Republic, through the area of buying batteries from BEVs from Germany, the issues of services in their sale from differences to batteries from vehicles with internal combustion engine to applications for PV, to the issue of lifetime from read data to the real condition of these batteries or scoring. The speaker will also touch on the complexity of sales services from chips to PV connected distribution networks.

Date: 7.11.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jan Dedek

He graduated from the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava with a Master's degree in Measurement and Control Technology in 2014-2016 and subsequently completed his doctoral studies in 2016-2022. Since 2022 he has been a consultant in the field of PV & EV.


6th lecture - 31st October 2023

Transport decarbonization project in the Czech Republic

Ing. Jiří Pohl
Siemens Mobility  

Outline of the lecture

Ing. Pohl in his lecture will focus on the period of carbonization of industry, transport and housing and then the current period of decarbonization of these areas, he will also touch on the need for project management in decarbonization. The lecture will also look at decarbonization in the transport sector in terms of motivation, objectives, tools and resources, not forgetting the environmental, economic and social aspects. It will also touch upon the impact of transport on the carbon footprint of both the organization and the product as well as the EU ETS and EU ETS2 emissions trading schemes, and the issues of intramodal and extramodal energy and emissions savings and multimodality will also be mentioned. Finally, the lecture will take the audience to the link between transport and energy joint system solutions as well as the transformation of transport externalities.

If there is time at the end of the lecture, Ing. Pohl will also mention unmanned transport systems and the emergence of public individual transport.

Date: Date: 31.10.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jiří Pohl, born 1951

After studying from 1970 to 1975 at the University of Transport in Žilina, specialization in electric traction and power engineering of transport, he became a designer of electric equipment of rail vehicles in ČKD Trakce and later in ČKD Dopravní systémy he worked as chief designer until 2000. Since 2000 he has been working at Siemens Mobility, Engineering as a Senior Engineer.


5th lecture - 24th October 2023

Direct and indirect use of hydrogen in decarbonizing transport

Ing. Jiří Pohl
Siemens Mobility  

Outline of the lecture

The lecture will cover the motivations for decarbonizing transport, as well as the basic types of electric vehicles and the energy and traction characteristics of energy storage vehicles. The second part will then focus on hydrogen, its physical properties, production, transport and storage, and its conversion to electricity as well as its relation to the volatility of renewable energy sources. The lecture will also not avoid the use of hydrogen in transportation, both direct and indirect. Finally, the lecturer will also mention the conversion of coal-fired power plants to bimodal with hydrogen storage.

Date: Date: 24.10.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jiří Pohl, born 1951

After studying from 1970 to 1975 at the University of Transport in Žilina, specialization in electric traction and power engineering of transport, he became a designer of electric equipment of rail vehicles in ČKD Trakce and later in ČKD Dopravní systémy he worked as chief designer until 2000. Since 2000 he has been working at Siemens Mobility, Engineering as a Senior Engineer.


4th lecture - 17th October 2023

Batteries, energy storage technology

Assoc. prof. Ing. Tomaš Kazda, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical and Electronic Technology, FEEC, Brno University of Technology  

Outline of the lecture

The lecture will focus on the current state of the art in the production and research of Li-ion batteries and related technologies for both electromobility and other applications. It will also focus on what challenges and visions now and in the future are addressed by electrochemical storage technologies, whether in terms of, for example, recycling or availability of material resources.

Date: Date: 17.10.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Assoc. prof. Ing. Tomáš Kazda, Ph.D., graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies of Brno University of Technology, specialization in Electrical Technology, where he currently works. He is engaged in research of Li-ion batteries and new battery systems, he is a co-author of a patent concerning new Lithium-Sulphur based batteries. He actively participates in a number of international conferences and also contributes to the organization of experts in this field as an international conference organizer. In the field of battery research and application, he collaborates with companies such as ČEZ, Škoda Auto and Thermo Fisher Scientific, both in projects and collaborative thesis and PhD theses. In 2022, he became the chairman of the Czech Battery Cluster.


3rd lecture - 10th October 2023

Electromobility and the electricity network

Ing. Martin Paar, Ph.D.
Department of Electrical Power Engineering, FEEC, BUT  

Outline of the lecture

Electromobility is not just an issue of electric vehicles, it is also an issue of charging them. The lecture will look at the potential effects of electromobility on the electricity grid and what may influence consumer behavior from price up to autonomous vehicles.

Date: Date: 10.10.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Martin Paar works at the department of Electrical Power Engineering at Brno University of Technology. He is working in the field of distribution networks and electromobility. He also studies the consequences of integrating high numbers of photovoltaic sources, electromobility and battery systems into distribution networks.


2nd lecture - 3rd October 2023

Concepts and development trends of electric motors for road vehicles

Assoc. prof. Ing. Jan Bárta, Ph.D.
Department of Power Engineering and Electronic engineering, FEEC, Brno University of Technology  

Outline of the lecture

Electric motors are one of the key components enabling the realization of clean mobility devices. During this lecture, the audience will learn about the basic types of electric motors used in e-mobility, their principles of operation and specific examples of design. Current development trends and future visions in this field will also be presented.

Date: Date: 3.10.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jan Bárta received his Ph.D. in Power Electrical and Electronic engineering at Brno University of Technology in 2018. Since 2023, he has been an associate professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies in Brno, where he is responsible for key courses in the field of electrical machines and leads research projects focused on advanced electrical machines. During his career, he has gained extensive experience in research and development of electrical machines and has worked at a number of prestigious institutions abroad, including LUT University, SpinDrive Oy, Linz Center of Mechatronics and Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. His current research interests include advanced methods for computation and modeling of electrical machines, topological optimization, high-speed electrical machines and synchronous machines for direct starting from the grid.

1st lecture - 26th September 2023

Automotive developments - 2023 and beyond - Societal, legislative and technological trends

Assoc. prof. Jan Fišer, Ph.D.
Dept. of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering, FME, BUT  

Outline of the lecture

The lecture will give an overview of the current direction in the development of passenger vehicle technology and the reasons for the trend towards electrification of drives. It will consider the physical principles of EV drives, legislative, societal requirements, societal commitments and the energy industry. The aim is to introduce the audience to the reasons for the current developments in the automotive industry to make clear why developments are moving in this direction.

Date: Date: 26.9.2023, 17:00, classroom SF 2.162, Technická 12, 616 00 Brno  

Introduction of the speaker 

Jan Fišer works at the Dept. of Thermodynamics and Environmental Engineering, FME, Brno University of Technology, where he focuses on research and development in the field of human thermal comfort and technologies for control and management of indoor environments. He specializes in systems for heating, ventilation and air conditioning of vehicle cabins and overall thermal and energy management of electrically powered vehicles. He and his colleague Dr. J. Hejcik have introduced and taught the course Thermal Management of Vehicles at FME since 2016. He is a fan of EV drives, photovoltaics and a daily user of them.

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Colloquium programme from 2022/23 (in Czech language only)